Source code for auditlog.cid

from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import Optional

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpRequest
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

correlation_id = ContextVar("auditlog_correlation_id", default=None)

[docs] def set_cid(request: Optional[HttpRequest] = None) -> None: """ A function to read the cid from a request. If the header is not in the request, then we set it to `None`. Note: we look for the value of `AUDITLOG_CID_HEADER` in `request.headers` and in `request.META`. This function doesn't do anything if the user is supplying their own `AUDITLOG_CID_GETTER`. :param request: The request to get the cid from. :return: None """ if settings.AUDITLOG_CID_GETTER: return cid = None header = settings.AUDITLOG_CID_HEADER if header and request: if header in request.headers: cid = request.headers.get(header) elif header in request.META: cid = request.META.get(header) # Ideally, this line should be nested inside the if statement. # However, because the tests do not run requests in multiple threads, # we have to always set the value of the cid, # even if the request does not have the header present, # in which case it will be set to None correlation_id.set(cid)
def _get_cid() -> Optional[str]: return correlation_id.get()
[docs] def get_cid() -> Optional[str]: """ Calls the cid getter function based on `settings.AUDITLOG_CID_GETTER` If the setting value is: * None: then it calls the default getter (which retrieves the value set in `set_cid`) * callable: then it calls the function * type(str): then it imports the function and then call it The result is then returned to the caller. If your custom getter does not depend on `set_header()`, then we recommend setting `settings.AUDITLOG_CID_GETTER` to `None`. :return: The correlation ID """ method = settings.AUDITLOG_CID_GETTER if not method: return _get_cid() if callable(method): return method() return import_string(method)()