Source code for auditlog.registry

from typing import Dict, Callable, Optional, List, Tuple

from django.db.models import Model
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.db.models.signals import pre_save, post_save, post_delete, ModelSignal

DispatchUID = Tuple[int, str, int]

[docs]class AuditlogModelRegistry(object): """ A registry that keeps track of the models that use Auditlog to track changes. """ def __init__(self, create: bool = True, update: bool = True, delete: bool = True, custom: Optional[Dict[ModelSignal, Callable]] = None): from auditlog.receivers import log_create, log_update, log_delete self._registry = {} self._signals = {} if create: self._signals[post_save] = log_create if update: self._signals[pre_save] = log_update if delete: self._signals[post_delete] = log_delete if custom is not None: self._signals.update(custom)
[docs] def register(self, model: ModelBase = None, include_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, mapping_fields: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): """ Register a model with auditlog. Auditlog will then track mutations on this model's instances. :param model: The model to register. :param include_fields: The fields to include. Implicitly excludes all other fields. :param exclude_fields: The fields to exclude. Overrides the fields to include. :param mapping_fields: Mapping from field names to strings in diff. """ if include_fields is None: include_fields = [] if exclude_fields is None: exclude_fields = [] if mapping_fields is None: mapping_fields = {} def registrar(cls): """Register models for a given class.""" if not issubclass(cls, Model): raise TypeError("Supplied model is not a valid model.") self._registry[cls] = { 'include_fields': include_fields, 'exclude_fields': exclude_fields, 'mapping_fields': mapping_fields, } self._connect_signals(cls) # We need to return the class, as the decorator is basically # syntactic sugar for: # MyClass = auditlog.register(MyClass) return cls if model is None: # If we're being used as a decorator, return a callable with the # wrapper. return lambda cls: registrar(cls) else: # Otherwise, just register the model. registrar(model)
[docs] def contains(self, model: ModelBase) -> bool: """ Check if a model is registered with auditlog. :param model: The model to check. :return: Whether the model has been registered. :rtype: bool """ return model in self._registry
[docs] def unregister(self, model: ModelBase) -> None: """ Unregister a model with auditlog. This will not affect the database. :param model: The model to unregister. """ try: del self._registry[model] except KeyError: pass else: self._disconnect_signals(model)
def get_models(self) -> List[ModelBase]: return list(self._registry.keys()) def get_model_fields(self, model: ModelBase): return { 'include_fields': list(self._registry[model]['include_fields']), 'exclude_fields': list(self._registry[model]['exclude_fields']), 'mapping_fields': dict(self._registry[model]['mapping_fields']), } def _connect_signals(self, model): """ Connect signals for the model. """ for signal in self._signals: receiver = self._signals[signal] signal.connect(receiver, sender=model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(signal, model)) def _disconnect_signals(self, model): """ Disconnect signals for the model. """ for signal, receiver in self._signals.items(): signal.disconnect(sender=model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(signal, model)) def _dispatch_uid(self, signal, model) -> DispatchUID: """ Generate a dispatch_uid. """ return self.__hash__(), model.__qualname__, signal.__hash__()
auditlog = AuditlogModelRegistry()