Source code for auditlog.registry

import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

from django.apps import apps
from django.db.models import ManyToManyField, Model
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from django.db.models.signals import (

from auditlog.conf import settings
from auditlog.signals import accessed

DispatchUID = Tuple[int, int, int]

[docs] class AuditLogRegistrationError(Exception): pass
[docs] class AuditlogModelRegistry: """ A registry that keeps track of the models that use Auditlog to track changes. """ DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_MODELS = ("auditlog.LogEntry", "admin.LogEntry") def __init__( self, create: bool = True, update: bool = True, delete: bool = True, access: bool = True, m2m: bool = True, custom: Optional[Dict[ModelSignal, Callable]] = None, ): from auditlog.receivers import log_access, log_create, log_delete, log_update self._registry = {} self._signals = {} self._m2m_signals = defaultdict(dict) if create: self._signals[post_save] = log_create if update: self._signals[pre_save] = log_update if delete: self._signals[post_delete] = log_delete if access: self._signals[accessed] = log_access self._m2m = m2m if custom is not None: self._signals.update(custom)
[docs] def register( self, model: ModelBase = None, include_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, mapping_fields: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, mask_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, m2m_fields: Optional[Collection[str]] = None, serialize_data: bool = False, serialize_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, serialize_auditlog_fields_only: bool = False, ): """ Register a model with auditlog. Auditlog will then track mutations on this model's instances. :param model: The model to register. :param include_fields: The fields to include. Implicitly excludes all other fields. :param exclude_fields: The fields to exclude. Overrides the fields to include. :param mapping_fields: Mapping from field names to strings in diff. :param mask_fields: The fields to mask for sensitive info. :param m2m_fields: The fields to handle as many to many. :param serialize_data: Option to include a dictionary of the objects state in the auditlog. :param serialize_kwargs: Optional kwargs to pass to Django serializer :param serialize_auditlog_fields_only: Only fields being considered in changes will be serialized. """ if include_fields is None: include_fields = [] if exclude_fields is None: exclude_fields = [] if mapping_fields is None: mapping_fields = {} if mask_fields is None: mask_fields = [] if m2m_fields is None: m2m_fields = set() if serialize_kwargs is None: serialize_kwargs = {} if (serialize_kwargs or serialize_auditlog_fields_only) and not serialize_data: raise AuditLogRegistrationError( "Serializer options were given but the 'serialize_data' option is not " "set. Did you forget to set serialized_data to True?" ) for fld in settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_FIELDS: exclude_fields.append(fld) def registrar(cls): """Register models for a given class.""" if not issubclass(cls, Model): raise TypeError("Supplied model is not a valid model.") self._registry[cls] = { "include_fields": include_fields, "exclude_fields": exclude_fields, "mapping_fields": mapping_fields, "mask_fields": mask_fields, "m2m_fields": m2m_fields, "serialize_data": serialize_data, "serialize_kwargs": serialize_kwargs, "serialize_auditlog_fields_only": serialize_auditlog_fields_only, } self._connect_signals(cls) # We need to return the class, as the decorator is basically # syntactic sugar for: # MyClass = auditlog.register(MyClass) return cls if model is None: # If we're being used as a decorator, return a callable with the # wrapper. return lambda cls: registrar(cls) else: # Otherwise, just register the model. registrar(model)
[docs] def contains(self, model: ModelBase) -> bool: """ Check if a model is registered with auditlog. :param model: The model to check. :return: Whether the model has been registered. :rtype: bool """ return model in self._registry
[docs] def unregister(self, model: ModelBase) -> None: """ Unregister a model with auditlog. This will not affect the database. :param model: The model to unregister. """ try: del self._registry[model] except KeyError: pass else: self._disconnect_signals(model)
def get_models(self) -> List[ModelBase]: return list(self._registry.keys()) def get_model_fields(self, model: ModelBase): return { "include_fields": list(self._registry[model]["include_fields"]), "exclude_fields": list(self._registry[model]["exclude_fields"]), "mapping_fields": dict(self._registry[model]["mapping_fields"]), "mask_fields": list(self._registry[model]["mask_fields"]), } def get_serialize_options(self, model: ModelBase): return { "serialize_data": bool(self._registry[model]["serialize_data"]), "serialize_kwargs": dict(self._registry[model]["serialize_kwargs"]), "serialize_auditlog_fields_only": bool( self._registry[model]["serialize_auditlog_fields_only"] ), } def _connect_signals(self, model): """ Connect signals for the model. """ from auditlog.receivers import make_log_m2m_changes for signal, receiver in self._signals.items(): signal.connect( receiver, sender=model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(signal, receiver), ) if self._m2m: for field_name in self._registry[model]["m2m_fields"]: receiver = make_log_m2m_changes(field_name) self._m2m_signals[model][field_name] = receiver field = getattr(model, field_name) m2m_model = getattr(field, "through") m2m_changed.connect( receiver, sender=m2m_model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(m2m_changed, receiver), ) def _disconnect_signals(self, model): """ Disconnect signals for the model. """ for signal, receiver in self._signals.items(): signal.disconnect( sender=model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(signal, receiver) ) for field_name, receiver in self._m2m_signals[model].items(): field = getattr(model, field_name) m2m_model = getattr(field, "through") m2m_changed.disconnect( sender=m2m_model, dispatch_uid=self._dispatch_uid(m2m_changed, receiver), ) del self._m2m_signals[model] def _dispatch_uid(self, signal, receiver) -> DispatchUID: """Generate a dispatch_uid which is unique for a combination of self, signal, and receiver.""" return id(self), id(signal), id(receiver) def _get_model_classes(self, app_model: str) -> List[ModelBase]: try: try: app_label, model_name = app_model.split(".") return [apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)] except ValueError: return apps.get_app_config(app_model).get_models() except LookupError: return [] def _get_exclude_models( self, exclude_tracking_models: Iterable[str] ) -> List[ModelBase]: exclude_models = [ model for app_model in tuple(exclude_tracking_models) + self.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_MODELS for model in self._get_model_classes(app_model) ] return exclude_models def _register_models(self, models: Iterable[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]) -> None: models = copy.deepcopy(models) for model in models: if isinstance(model, str): for model_class in self._get_model_classes(model): self.unregister(model_class) self.register(model_class) elif isinstance(model, dict): appmodel = self._get_model_classes(model["model"]) if not appmodel: raise AuditLogRegistrationError( f"An error was encountered while registering model '{model['model']}' - " "make sure the app is registered correctly." ) model["model"] = appmodel[0] self.unregister(model["model"]) self.register(**model)
[docs] def register_from_settings(self): """ Register models from settings variables """ if not isinstance(settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS, bool): raise TypeError("Setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS' must be a boolean") if not isinstance(settings.AUDITLOG_DISABLE_ON_RAW_SAVE, bool): raise TypeError("Setting 'AUDITLOG_DISABLE_ON_RAW_SAVE' must be a boolean") if not isinstance(settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS' must be a list or tuple" ) if ( not settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS and settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS ): raise ValueError( "In order to use setting 'AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS', " "setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS' must set to 'True'" ) if ( settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_FIELDS and not settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS ): raise ValueError( "In order to use 'AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_FIELDS', " "setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS' must be set to 'True'" ) if not isinstance(settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS' must be a list or tuple" ) if not isinstance(settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_FIELDS, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_FIELDS' must be a list or tuple" ) for item in settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS: if not isinstance(item, (str, dict)): raise TypeError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS' items must be str or dict" ) if isinstance(item, dict): if "model" not in item: raise ValueError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS' dict items must contain 'model' key" ) if "." not in item["model"]: raise ValueError( "Setting 'AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS' model must be in the " "format <app_name>.<model_name>" ) if settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_ALL_MODELS: exclude_models = self._get_exclude_models( settings.AUDITLOG_EXCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS ) for model in apps.get_models(include_auto_created=True): if model in exclude_models: continue meta = model._meta if not meta.managed: continue m2m_fields = [ for m in meta.get_fields() if isinstance(m, ManyToManyField) ] exclude_fields = [ i.related_name for i in meta.related_objects if i.related_name and not i.related_model._meta.managed ] self.register( model=model, m2m_fields=m2m_fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields ) self._register_models(settings.AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_TRACKING_MODELS)
auditlog = AuditlogModelRegistry()