Source code for auditlog.diff

import json
from datetime import timezone
from typing import Optional

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db.models import NOT_PROVIDED, DateTimeField, ForeignKey, JSONField, Model
from django.utils import timezone as django_timezone
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str

[docs] def track_field(field): """ Returns whether the given field should be tracked by Auditlog. Untracked fields are many-to-many relations and relations to the Auditlog LogEntry model. :param field: The field to check. :type field: Field :return: Whether the given field should be tracked. :rtype: bool """ from auditlog.models import LogEntry # Do not track many to many relations if field.many_to_many: return False # Do not track relations to LogEntry if ( getattr(field, "remote_field", None) is not None and field.remote_field.model == LogEntry ): return False return True
[docs] def get_fields_in_model(instance): """ Returns the list of fields in the given model instance. Checks whether to use the official _meta API or use the raw data. This method excludes many to many fields. :param instance: The model instance to get the fields for :type instance: Model :return: The list of fields for the given model (instance) :rtype: list """ assert isinstance(instance, Model) return [f for f in instance._meta.get_fields() if track_field(f)]
[docs] def get_field_value(obj, field): """ Gets the value of a given model instance field. :param obj: The model instance. :type obj: Model :param field: The field you want to find the value of. :type field: Any :return: The value of the field as a string. :rtype: str """ try: if isinstance(field, DateTimeField): # DateTimeFields are timezone-aware, so we need to convert the field # to its naive form before we can accurately compare them for changes. value = field.to_python(getattr(obj,, None)) if ( value is not None and settings.USE_TZ and not django_timezone.is_naive(value) ): value = django_timezone.make_naive(value, timezone=timezone.utc) elif isinstance(field, JSONField): value = field.to_python(getattr(obj,, None)) value = json.dumps(value, sort_keys=True, cls=field.encoder) elif (field.one_to_one or field.many_to_one) and hasattr(field, "rel_class"): value = smart_str( getattr(obj, field.get_attname(), None), strings_only=True ) else: value = smart_str(getattr(obj,, None)) if type(value).__name__ == "__proxy__": value = str(value) except ObjectDoesNotExist: value = ( field.default if getattr(field, "default", NOT_PROVIDED) is not NOT_PROVIDED else None ) return value
[docs] def mask_str(value: str) -> str: """ Masks the first half of the input string to remove sensitive data. :param value: The value to mask. :type value: str :return: The masked version of the string. :rtype: str """ mask_limit = int(len(value) / 2) return "*" * mask_limit + value[mask_limit:]
[docs] def model_instance_diff( old: Optional[Model], new: Optional[Model], fields_to_check=None ): """ Calculates the differences between two model instances. One of the instances may be ``None`` (i.e., a newly created model or deleted model). This will cause all fields with a value to have changed (from ``None``). :param old: The old state of the model instance. :type old: Model :param new: The new state of the model instance. :type new: Model :param fields_to_check: An iterable of the field names to restrict the diff to, while ignoring the rest of the model's fields. This is used to pass the `update_fields` kwarg from the model's `save` method. :type fields_to_check: Iterable :return: A dictionary with the names of the changed fields as keys and a two tuple of the old and new field values as value. :rtype: dict """ from auditlog.registry import auditlog if not (old is None or isinstance(old, Model)): raise TypeError("The supplied old instance is not a valid model instance.") if not (new is None or isinstance(new, Model)): raise TypeError("The supplied new instance is not a valid model instance.") diff = {} if old is not None and new is not None: fields = set(old._meta.fields + new._meta.fields) model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model) elif old is not None: fields = set(get_fields_in_model(old)) model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(old._meta.model) elif new is not None: fields = set(get_fields_in_model(new)) model_fields = auditlog.get_model_fields(new._meta.model) else: fields = set() model_fields = None if fields_to_check: fields = { field for field in fields if ( (isinstance(field, ForeignKey) and field.attname in fields_to_check) or ( in fields_to_check) ) } # Check if fields must be filtered if ( model_fields and (model_fields["include_fields"] or model_fields["exclude_fields"]) and fields ): filtered_fields = [] if model_fields["include_fields"]: filtered_fields = [ field for field in fields if in model_fields["include_fields"] ] else: filtered_fields = fields if model_fields["exclude_fields"]: filtered_fields = [ field for field in filtered_fields if not in model_fields["exclude_fields"] ] fields = filtered_fields for field in fields: old_value = get_field_value(old, field) new_value = get_field_value(new, field) if old_value != new_value: if model_fields and in model_fields["mask_fields"]: diff[] = ( mask_str(smart_str(old_value)), mask_str(smart_str(new_value)), ) else: diff[] = (smart_str(old_value), smart_str(new_value)) if len(diff) == 0: diff = None return diff